
Interpretation Services

RDP Agency provides interpreters for various settings, including:

  • Training seminars and workshops
  • Mediations
  • Business negotiations
  • Depositions
  • Court proceedings
  • Disability hearings
  • Investigations (including home visits)
  • Public meetings
  • Tour guiding
  • Telephone conferences
  • Social services (including home visits)
  • Healthcare, medical and dental appointments

Our interpretations are based on the highest standards of accuracy and communicate your message in the appropriate style and level of complexity.

We define an appropriate interpretation as one that transfers the content of oral statements from one language into another accurately and completely. Therefore, our interpreters consider various factors, including the educational level, register, style, and cultural patterns of the speaker.

Availability of Interpreters
Our interpreters are at your disposal every day at all hours, including weekends and holidays.

Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation
Our interpreters are trained in the consecutive and simultaneous modes of interpretation and are assigned according to their level of experience and expertise in the specific setting and subject matter.

We closely monitor our interpreter’s performance to continually adapt to the changing needs of our clients and our market. We recognize the need for continued education and regularly provide our linguists with glossaries and updates on changes to the existing legislative and other procedures, which allows for seamless and accurate interpretations every time.